Thursday, 16 February 2012

Good day.

So many good/crazy things happened today but I can't remember all of them. I knew this would happen so I recorded a couple of voice messages ha.

1. I walked out of my house this morning, without any foundation on. You don't know me make up wise, but I wear concealer, foundation and powder most days. So this morning I must have been so sleepy I got up, moisturized, put concealer on, did my eye liner, put some powder on - silly. Didn't notice til I got to work and went to the loo. I got away with it but I definitely did not like it and avoided most shiny surfaces.

2. When you were younger do you remember waving at other people from your car/bus? Two young girls did that to me today which sadly enough made my day.

3. I got 78 in an essay!! Which is amazing. I totally didn't expect it!

4. I started making voice notes because I remember things whilst I'm stuck in traffic but don't write them down/always forget!

5. I used a square spoon!

6. I went for a car wash for the first time in ages. Daisy definitely appreciated it.

7. My soft pastels came so I'm gona be able to try this out.


  1. I think you might need to bring the pastels home with you next time you come they look brilliant!! xx
