Showing posts with label grandparents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandparents. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Photo dump/mammoth weekly roundup

haven't done a weekly catch up in months so here's going to be one HUGE photo dump, but I'll try and keep it snappy (hehe). 
Bucket O ribs and sweet potato chips 

Almost wished my name began with an A when I found this for 99p

My boyfriend, ladies and gentleman 

Hairstyle for the ball

Dressing table I'm loving

Hehe the pup loving the head massager 

Isabelle storing kitchen utensils in my boots 

Lovely sofas that 'aren't Michael's thing' 

Christmas Eve round the British Legion with the grandparents 

Good ol' bumpits

Christmas raffle fun 

Mm lovely bath 

The best chocolates! 

Michael got a little wet pumping up his tyres 

£100 charity shop writing table :( 

Starting to get organised for my new job- always wanted one of these. Gona be so pretty. 

Bargain presents for mum- she can get her craft on! Not that she needs ANY more craft stuff ;) 

Fewf- I won't bombard you with any more photos from my life, I will just try and do weekly round ups more regularly again :) have you had a good week? 

Friday, 20 December 2013

Masters Graduation

So, I took a long ol' trip up to Leeds from Sunday - Wednesday this week, so I could visit lots of friends (Gemma, Gaynor, Theana, Harriet, Bex, Ben, Eley, Jess, Kate, Joss, Sally-Ann, Mark, Stevie, Lauren, Allison and Colin to name just a few), and also graduate! Both sets of parents came up on the Tuesday night and we arranged ourselves on the Wednesday - there were professional photos, graduate receptions and hundreds of people milling about. I got two colours on my hood this year, to signify that I was a postgraduate student graduating, which felt pretty special, and I also got a sweet little pin with the Leeds uni crest on it!

dad Michael me granddad nan

Gemma and I 

La grandparents

Collecting the certificate

Stevie and I 

Wayne, me and Mum.

All in all it was a good but busy day, and the weather on the drive back was awful!! But still, we made it home alive :)

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood.

'Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.'

Hermmm.. I have lots of memories, so which one to choose (I'm always so spoiled for choice. and I feel lucky for that). and in all of them, my sister appears! I can't wait to read which memory she chose for today, to see if I'll feature in that one.

I'm gona choose one that's a funny story, but it's a little hazier than the others, so I'll do my best.
We were visiting my grandparents.. I kind of feel like it was actually at my Great Aunt Margaret's house for some reason, but that doesn't really make sense so it must have been their own house in Kent. Well, we didn't get to visit our grandparents all too often as it was quite far away etc, so it was always fun when we did (and they lived near this amusement place so it was always exciting!). Anywho, I don't know how we go to it, but Natalie and I decided to 'make over' nan and granddad, I think it might have had something to do with nan having her hair in rollers, so yeah we just ran with it from there.

It all started out tame, for nan we did the normal eye shadow, and lipstick etc.. and then it got a bit crazy. We started using mascara on granddads bald patches to kind of draw-on hair, we put foundation on them - even granddad - and eyeshadow etc, the works. and when we were done, we were super proud of our work, because it looked like they were wearing make up, and that was the goal, ha!

I must add, we were far too young at that point to even be using make up ourselves, let alone know how to put it on someone else. And in reflection, I can't really believe I have this memory, because if you met my granddad, he is a very proper man and the man I know now doesn't really translate to someone who would let me put mascara on his head, but, people surprise you and this is a lovely memory that I'm glad I have. There is a photo somewhere at home, gutted I can't feature it.

Neither of them were annoyed, and in true good-parenting style they pretended they loved it, didn't wash it off immediately, and Natalie and I went off to bed happy. It never happened again though.. I wonder if we even asked. haha, I am so looking forward to reading everyone else's memory today :D

Saturday, 15 December 2012


What a funny word, I had to re type it like 5 times cause it is not something my fingers are use to. I literally had the best day! Although some of it was spent running around like a headless chicken and I didn't really see my grandparents, everyone saw me graduate and we had tonnes of photo's, I didn't trip up the stairs and I just had a wonderful day :) it was also icy to begin with and it rained throughout the day (hence my wispy hair) but that could not ruin my excitement, it was exactly what I wanted!

here are some photo's (I opted for a white dress because I didn't want to be drowned in black, and I saw someone from a previous year and thought the colours suited well enough)


this is a photo heavy post, here's a chance to escape now! (I don't recommend it though)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Weekly Roundup #5

When I thought about writing this post today I was hesitant as I didn't think I had that many photo's to share, but I was wrong. Another week full of work but there have been a couple of things going on in the evening to keep me entertained! In the south west we have a firework competition every year. I'm not sure why we get it and no where else, but I'm glad because fireworks are one of my favourite things.

Fireworks on Tuesday

fireworks on Wednesday

ridiculous space that I managed to get into

On Thursday we made lots of goodies at work - crumble, brownies and cookies!

day trip with the grandparents on Friday

walking up to a lunch spot

lovely burger
and tea

on Friday I went to visit my mum and we had a power cut!

and on Saturday I went to the museum with work, one of my favourite places :)

I think I'm going to try out some recipes today which I'm sure you'll hear about in the week! I'm so glad that some of my favourite shows are back; Grimm, True Blood and kind of breaking bad but I'm not as into that as the others!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

weekly roundup #3

Another week of working, but Michael's home! We've had some uncle's down so there's been lots of trips out and lots of tea/hot chocolate being consumed (no complaints here).

Lunch for work during the week

Lovely trip to the beach with the kids

the first tea

the second tea

the first hot chocolate/latte

mmm dinner

going to the oldies club with my grandparents

sweet kids pyjamas I found in matalans

sweet owl chocolate

Michael's breakfast the lucky so and so

the second hot chocolate

some odd chestnut spread?! that I was going to send to Michael...

Bit boring really but I've managed to do a lot of hours at work! We've had the olympics on a lot, are you guys interested?