Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Long overdue

So, as Michael kindly mentioned 'you're getting so behind on your blog'. I know I know, I do apologise. I have been so busy! As I said previously, I drove back up to uni on Sunday and kindly stayed at my friend Graces house (5* easily), had subwarden training Monday and Tuesday, moved my stuff into my new flat from Graces both evenings, today I've had first aid training, site induction and more unpacking. I'm currently on shift too which is why this post has taken so long to write ha.

So, before I left, on the Saturday prevening and evening, Michael and I went to a local little beach, watched the sunset and chatted and then went back to my house and toasted marshmellows on a home lit chimneer!

Hey look behind us, it's the sunset. we're so silly haha

master fire maker... not :p

Roast at Graces

some candle ambiance

my new room

decent welcome pack! gutted I've eaten the ritz already

Michael has faces everywhere on his temporary camp

I can't guarantee regular posting just yet but I really am working on it!

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