Tuesday 7 May 2013

Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of

Things I'm afraid of.. hmm

the typical 'crocodiles' example. That one doesn't stop. They're just mean and horrible. I'm not including a photo cause it'd make me jump every time I peeked at my own blog.

But really.

I am afraid of forgetting. and losing my memory. and not remembering.
That's why I like to blog, because it's a way of keeping all of those things you thought were important at the time in one place. Like when I went to Indonesia, I kept a blog of what we did everyday - the girls thought I was ridiculous for spending half an hour a day or so on the computer when I could be out in the sun, but I felt it important to stay in touch with people from home, and now I'm so so grateful because when I can't remember a place name I can easily click back. I don't regret the time I spent online at all, although I thought I might.

So yeah. I keep notes of sweet things people tell me, I draw things to remember important dates, I take too many photographs of the people I love. Because I never want to be at the point where I can't remember something. I have a pretty good memory anyways, but there's only so much stuff you can fit in there!

I can't really think of anything else I'm afraid of, not much. I am especially brave when it's on behalf of someone else. I don't falter then. How about you? Excited to read your posts!


  1. awh you can never have enough pictures of your loved ones, especially in the coming years it will be nice to look back on them.

    1. Yeah that's very true! Unless your laptop gives out you have too many.. but that's what external harddrives are for, right?!

  2. It's not something I worry about much, but the thought of having dementia is terrible. I can't imagine no longer knowing who my loved ones are. Or having one of them forget me. That's one of the most horrible diseases to me because it takes away who you are as a person.

    1. Yes, I agree, I cannot and do not want to imagine how it could affect me. Thanks for stopping by :) x

  3. Oh ho ho, you may not like my post today then, because I have a horrifying (in my opinion) of a sort of crocodile looking thing lol
    Also the thing about forgetting, yea that one I definitely mention in my post. It's funny how I actually never thought about me forgetting things but rather other people forgetting. But now I will be adding that to the list lol

    1. Oh no! I don't want to add to your worries.

  4. Oh I hate crocs too! And losing my memory too!

  5. I'm with you on the forgetting. Sometimes I stare at things long and hard because I never want to forget.

    1. I never realised how standard this one is :)

  6. Hi, I stopped over from Jasmine @ The Happy Sloths' blog. She gave you some wonderful blog love. I am also afraid of forgetting. I take a lot of pictures for this very reason. I also keep a lot of mementos. I want to one day look back on all of that and remember those special times.
